Our Story
A family legacy
I remember baking with my grandmother; the smell of a fresh cookies, the way they looked on the plate, their chewy-soft texture, and irresistible taste. Cookies are an almost universal joy that can be shared by people of all ages.
My grandmother started baking at the age of eleven when she made a coconut cake to take to the schoolhouse and shared with her classmates. That special moment – sharing a delicious sweet treat with the people she cared about – stuck with her all her life.
She passed her love of baking to my mother, and to me. We were often found in the kitchen together, creating the most irresistible cookies and brownies. Afterward, we would share warm moments with our family as they gathered to enjoy our goods.
As I grew older, and the responsibilities piled on, baking took a backseat. Life was so busy that the thought of taking out that bowl and cookie tray was just untenable.
Then I became a mother myself, and I discovered a way to bring the joy of cookies back into my life. I started baking professionally to earn extra money to buy Christmas presents for my children.
As I baked and shared my cookies with others, I saw the joy that they brought. A plate of freshly baked cookies is the perfect reason for a busy family to gather. I took my generations of baking love and grew it into a thriving business.
Life is busy. Now, you and your loved ones can enjoy fresh homemade cookies without having to drag that baking pan out of the cupboard.
Enjoy your artisan sweet treats.
- Armelia

No Preservatives
No Corn Syrup
No Artificial Flavors
No Trans Fats
Renee Conley
Detroit, MI
You can taste the love and passion that go into these cookies. They deliver everything you want in a cookie; flavor, texture, and happiness!”
Jill & Tom Flournoy
Tom’s Tiny Kitchen
They are made with perfection. You can’t just eat just one. My favorites are the lemon and buttery shortbread cookies, but they are all awesome.”
Gwen McGowan
Memphis, TN
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